It is always excitingto plan a trip to someplace new, and a desert safari in Dubai is an adventureworth taking. But before you start packing your bags, there are a few things you need to know to make the most of your experience. Here is a helpful guide on how to plan the perfect desert safari Dubai.  

The Actual desertsafari Itself:   

Once you're out in thedesert, the fun begins! You'll have the opportunity to participate in variousactivities, including dune bashing, camel riding, sandboarding, and quad biking. You'll also enjoy a traditional Arabic dinner under the stars and have the chance to see the desert sunset.  

Pre Dubai DesertSafari Measures:    

You can do a fewthings before your desert safari to make the experience even better:   

Make sure you're well-rested and drink plenty of water     in the days leading up to the tour. This will help you stay hydrated in     the desert heat. 

  1. Avoid alcohol and caffeine in the hours leading up to     the tour. 
  2. Pack sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, and comfortable     clothes to wear on the safari.     

Desert Safari withoutdune bashing:    

Not everyone isinterested in dune bashing, which is perfectly okay. But tourists who haveheart problems or pregnant women cannot do the dune bashing. Their desert safari will be adjusted as per your requirement. But you can still enjoy all the other activities on the desert safari tour without it. Just let your tour guide know ahead of time, and they will arrange for you to do something else instead.    

Desert safari Dubaiwith alcohol:    

If you're of legaldrinking age, you can enjoy a cold drink or two while out on the desert safari.However, it's important to remember that alcohol is not allowed in the Muslim desert. So please drink responsibly and be aware of your behavior when drinking in public.    

Desert Safari Dubaiwith children:    

Desert safaris areperfect for families, and children of all ages are welcome. There's somethingfor everyone to enjoy on a desert safari tour, from camel riding to sandboarding. Just make sure you pack plenty of sunscreen and water for the kids, and they're sure to have a great time!    

Desert safari Dubaiwithout belly dance performance:    

Not everyone isinterested in seeing a belly dance performance, and that's perfectly okay. Ifyou would prefer not to see the show, just let your tour guide know, and they will arrange for you to do something else instead.    

Desert safari Dubaiwith overnight stay:    

If you're looking fora truly unique desert safari experience, why not opt for an overnight stay?This will give you a chance to relax and enjoy the desert scenery. The tour company will provide all the necessary camping equipment, and you'll have the opportunity to enjoy a traditional Arabic dinner under the stars.    

Desert safari Dubaiwith overnight stay is a great way to experience the desert in a truly uniqueway.  

Desert safari Dubaiwith falcon show:    

Another excellentoption for those looking for a unique desert safari experience is to see thefalcon show. This fantastic performance will give you a chance to see these beautiful birds up close and learn more about their history and culture.    

Desert safari Dubaiwith fireworks:    

If you're looking foran extra special desert safari tour, why not opt for one that finishes with afireworks show? This is the perfect way to end a fantastic day out in the desert.    

Which desert safariDubai options are suitable for you?     

As you can see, thereis a range of desert safari Dubai options to choose from. So which one is rightfor you? It depends on what you're looking for in a desert safari tour. If you're looking for an action-packed adventure, then the dune bashing option is perfect for you.   

Essential precautionsfor desert safari Dubai?   

Best Desert Safari Dubai is a unique and unforgettable experience, butit's essential to take precautions to ensure you stay safe and enjoy theadventure. Here are our top tips:   

1. Drink plenty ofwater: Dehydration is a realrisk when traveling in hot climates, so make sure you drink plenty of water tostay hydrated.   

2. Wear sunscreen: The desert sun can be powerful, so make sureyou wear sunscreen to protect your skin from sunburn.   

3. Dress appropriately: Be sure to dress appropriately for the heatand wear light, loose-fitting clothing. It's also a good idea to bring a hatand sunglasses to protect your skin and eyes from the sun.   

4. Take care on thesand: The sand can bescorching, so take care when walking on it. It's also a good idea to bring abottle of water with you to drink while you're out in the desert.   

5. Be aware of yoursurroundings: It's essential to bemindful of your surroundings at all times in the desert, as there are manyhazards such as snakes and scorpions. Stay on the marked trails and heed the warnings of your guide.   

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